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Banksia Medley

Banksia Medley is an intricate design featuring Banksia and Grevillea flowers with Blue wrens, Scarlet breasted robyn and the Regent Honeyeater. Design looks great printed on our linen , wallpaper or commercial fabric.
The beginning – the initial sketch – pencil on paper
Regent Honeyeater – the initial sketch – pencil on paper
Grevillea & Scarlet Honeyeater – the initial sketch – pencil on paper and the digital version
Banksia Medley with yellow flowers
Banksia Medley with teal flowers
Banksia Medley with peach flowers
Banksia Medley with lime green flowers


It’s always a satisfying feeling to add a new design to your collection of works. This creation was inspired by the Banksia Integrifolia, commonly known as coast banksia and is found growing along the east coast of Australia. I have added a branch of Grevillea and a few much loved Australian Birds, such as the Blue Wren, Regent Honeyeater and the Scarlet Honeyeater, these can be found scattered amongst the Banksia leaves. The design features details that are all hand-drawn in graphite pencil and then digitally coloured in Photoshop, with the spray painted background adding a contemporary touch. It’s available printed as a wallpaper, commercial upholstery fabric and on crisp Linen. You can order samples here.

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Wallpaper – underwater wonderland

underwater wonderland - wallpaper


seaweed drawing – graphite pencil on paper


seaweed and seahorse illustration - graphite
seaweed and seahorse drawing – graphite pencil on paper


seaweed illustration - graphite
seaweed drawing – graphite pencil on paper
underwater wonderland - wallpaper
underwater wonderland – blue – colour sampling


wallpaper - underwater wonderland in green
underwater wonderland – green


wallpaper - underwater wonderland in blue
underwater wonderland – blue


wallpaper - underwater wonderland in aubergine
underwater wonderland – aubergine

Wallpaper and textile design always starts with an idea/inspiration or a clients idea. All my designs are hand drawn in graphite or pen. The design process begins with rough sketching and continues with a number of steps until the design is complete. Here is an outline of just some of the steps involved in creating the design. Research…draw…scan into computer…put into a repeat…tidy artwork in computer…decide on colours…print art work…expose screens or digital file ready..sample /strike – off..colour tweaking.

You can purchase samples of  underwater wonderland from here.