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Wallpaper – underwater wonderland

underwater wonderland - wallpaper


seaweed drawing – graphite pencil on paper


seaweed and seahorse illustration - graphite
seaweed and seahorse drawing – graphite pencil on paper


seaweed illustration - graphite
seaweed drawing – graphite pencil on paper
underwater wonderland - wallpaper
underwater wonderland – blue – colour sampling


wallpaper - underwater wonderland in green
underwater wonderland – green


wallpaper - underwater wonderland in blue
underwater wonderland – blue


wallpaper - underwater wonderland in aubergine
underwater wonderland – aubergine

Wallpaper and textile design always starts with an idea/inspiration or a clients idea. All my designs are hand drawn in graphite or pen. The design process begins with rough sketching and continues with a number of steps until the design is complete. Here is an outline of just some of the steps involved in creating the design. Research…draw…scan into computer…put into a repeat…tidy artwork in computer…decide on colours…print art work…expose screens or digital file ready..sample /strike – off..colour tweaking.

You can purchase samples of  underwater wonderland from here.